when will the leasehold freehold reform bill become law

Timeline: When Will the Leasehold and Freehold Reform Bill Become Law?

Discover the legislative journey of the Leasehold and Freehold Reform Bill as it progressed towards becoming law in May 2024.

Introduced in November 2023, the Leasehold and Freehold Reform Bill swiftly progressed through parliament, becoming law on 24th May 2024, a mere six months later.

As with the Renters (Reform) Bill, doubts arose about its passage when PM Rishi Sunak called a snap general election on 22nd May.

Explore our timeline below to trace the journey of the Leasehold and Freehold Reform Bill through parliament, or learn more about its implications for landlords here.

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  1. 27 November 2023
    First Reading

    The Leasehold and Freehold Reform Bill was introduced in the House of Commons. During this stage, the bill’s title and main objectives were presented, but there was no debate.

  2. 11 December 2023
    Second Reading

    MPs in the House of Commons debated the general principles and objectives of the Leasehold and Freehold Reform Bill. A motion was held at the end of the debate to determine whether the bill should proceed to the next stage.

  3. 16 January 2024
    Committee Stage

    The Committee Stage kicked off on 16 January featuring verbal testimonies from a wide selection of witnesses, including the National Leasehold Campaign, the Leasehold Knowledge Partnership, and legal experts, among others.

    Following this, the Committee initiated a line-by-line analysis of both the original text and proposed amendments brought forth by the government and opposition parties.

  4. 27 February 2024
    Report Stage

    After the committee stage, the Bill returns to the full House of Commons for further consideration, where MPs can suggest additional amendments or changes. The third reading is then expected to immediately follow the report stage.

  5. 28 February 2024
    House of Lords

    The Bill goes through similar stages in the House of Lords: first reading, second reading, committee stage, report stage, and third reading.

    The first reading took place on 28th February, and the second reading a month later, on 27th March. Once the Houses of Commons and Lords have agreed on the final version, the Bill can receive Royal Assent.

  6. 24th May 2024
    Royal Assent

    Once the House of Commons and the House of Lords reached consensus on the Leasehold and Freehold Reform Bill’s final version, it was forwarded to the reigning monarch, King Charles, for royal assent.

    Royal assent is a ceremonial step, and approval is granted as a matter of constitutional convention.

  7. Late 2025 or early 2026 (expected)
    Implementing the Leasehold and Freehold Reform Act

    Having been passed into law, the Act will be implemented “on such day or days as the Secretary of State may by regulations appoint”. It’s anticipated that this will occur towards the latter part of 2025 or early 2026.

This article was last updated on 30th May, 2024.

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  1. How long is a piece of string.

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