when will the renters reform bill become law openrent

When Will the Renters (Reform) Bill Become Law?

The Renters (Reform) Bill didn’t make it through the legislative process in time, meaning it has been effectively rejected and will not become law.

This was due to Rishi Sunak’s surprise call for a general election on 22nd May, which left no time for the bill to be passed before parliament was dissolved shortly after.

However, the Labour Party has now introduced a new bill called the Renters’ Rights Bill. It aims to address similar issues, including abolishing Section 21, which allows landlords to evict tenants without needing to provide a reason.

Before the Renters (Reform) Bill was eventually scrapped, it went through several stages in the legislative process.

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  1. 17 May 2023
    First Reading

    The Renters (Reform) Bill was introduced in the House of Commons. During this stage, the bill’s title and main objectives were presented, but there was no debate.

  2. 23 October 2023
    Second Reading

    Members of Parliament (MPs) in the House of Commons debated the general principles and objectives of the Renters (Reform) Bill. A motion was held at the end of the debate to determine whether the bill should proceed to the next stage.

  3. 28 November 2023
    Committee Stage

    The Committee Stage kicked off on November 14 featuring verbal testimonies from key figures in the private rented sector, including the National Residential Landlords Association (NRLA), housing charity Shelter, and legal experts, among others.

    Following this, the Committee initiated a thorough review of both the original text and proposed amendments brought forth by the government and opposition parties. This stage concluded on November 28, with the revised Bill formally introduced to the House of Commons.

  4. 24 April 2024
    Report Stage & Third Reading

    During the Report Stage, MPs approved a substantial number of amendments and new clauses to the Renters Reform Bill. Following this, the Third Reading debate quickly followed and successfully passed through the House of Commons.

  5. 1 May 2024
    House of Lords

    As the Renters (Reform) Bill passed all stages in the House of Commons, it’s then sent to the House of Lords for consideration. The bill goes through similar stages in the House of Lords: first reading, second reading, committee stage, report stage, and third reading.

  6. 22nd May 2024
    Rishi Sunak announces general election

    On 22nd May, PM Rishi Sunak called a snap General Election to take place on 4th July 2024. The Bill didn’t make it into the parliament’s ‘wash-up’ period and was consequently scrapped.

These uncertainties highlight the need to stay on top of the legislative process and keep up with the latest updates.

Being informed and adaptable in this ever-changing landscape is crucial for everyone involved, whether you’re a landlord or a tenant.

This article is not intended to form legal or investment advice. Investments in property are not guaranteed and can decrease in value as well as increase.

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