Ensure a hassle-free transition between tenants with our comprehensive end of tenancy checklist for landlords.
As one set of tenants moves out, the goal for most landlords is to have new tenants move in quickly, ideally with minimal vacancy.
We understand that managing the turnover of tenants is one of the most important but also time-consuming parts of being a landlord.
That’s why with our complete end of tenancy checklist, you can ensure you’ve prepared thoroughly for the new tenancy, setting yourself up for success.
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Explore Our PackagesYour objectives:
When thinking about tenant turnover, you should have three objectives in mind:
- Close out the outgoing tenancy in a tidy and professional manner
- Make use of any time between tenancies to inspect the property and make any repairs or improvements necessary
- Welcome in your new tenants and set up your tenancy on the best footing possible
Part One: End of tenancy
Agree a move-out date
The end of the tenancy stage begins when both you and your tenants have agreed upon a move-out date and notice has been served as per your lease agreement’s terms.
Once you know when your current tenants are leaving, you can start planning the order in which you’ll tick off the items on your move-out checklist.
The check-out is your last chance (if all goes smoothly) to meet with the tenants at the property.
This is when you can collect their keys, note down any meter readings, and ensure they haven’t left any personal belongings behind. It’s also a good time to explain the next steps, such as when they can expect their deposit to be returned.
A check-out inventory is the final property inspection, where the condition of the property and any furnishings is noted. It’s ideal to have this done on the final day of the tenancy or just after the tenants move out.
You’ll find that the inventory is crucial for the deposit return stage below. To help protect you and your property, we’ve secured highly affordable rates for professional-grade inventory reports from accredited inventory clerks.
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Rent balance check
Before moving on to the deposit return, it’s always sensible to perform a thorough check of all the rent payments owed and received throughout the whole tenancy.
You might uncover any missed payments and realise there’s an outstanding balance, particularly if you’ve agreed to temporary rent reductions or arrears repayment plans during the tenancy.
If you’re using OpenRent to set up your tenancies, we can handle rent collection and maintain a record of payments throughout, making it easy to see what is owed when tenants move out.
Additionally, we send discreet reminders to tenants for monthly payments, reducing the risk of arrears.
Deposit return
The final step involves returning the tenancy deposit to the tenants. Deductions can be made for rent arrears or damage to the property and furnishings.
You can make the claims via the deposit scheme’s website, and the majority of the time, this is the end of the matter. However, if the tenant challenges any of the proposed deductions you will need to be able to provide evidence.
If you can’t come to an agreement, either party can seek resolution through the deposit scheme’s Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) service.
Legally, the deposit money belongs to the tenant throughout the tenancy, which places the responsibility on the landlord to prove any claims of damage.
Both parties can present evidence to an independent arbiter, who will make a final decision and allocate the funds accordingly.
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Discover Rent NowPart Two: Empty property
Landlords generally prefer their properties to be occupied by tenants. However, having a brief period of vacancy between tenants often provides a valuable opportunity to carry out work that is more convenient without tenants present.
Repairs, maintenance and redecoration
Landlords are responsible for keeping their properties in good repair. In time, you’ll find that most bigger-scale repairs or upgrades are best carried out when the property is empty.
Tasks like major plumbing works, painting multiple rooms, installing new flooring, and similar jobs are easier to manage without tenants present.
This time also provides an opportunity to update necessary certificates, such as the annual Gas Safety certificate, as well as your energy performance and electrical safety certificates.
Inspecting your property
As a landlord, conducting a personal inspection of the property offers you more than just a routine check.
It provides a valuable opportunity to step into the shoes of your tenants and get a feel for the house yourself.
Walking through each room, assessing the layout, and observing the property’s condition allows you to understand its unique features and potential areas for improvement.
This insight empowers you to better cater to your tenants’ needs, creating a comfortable and welcoming living environment for them, as well as nip potential issues in the bud.
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Order Tenant ReferencingPart Three: New tenant/s
On our blog, you’ll discover a wealth of advice, from tips on finding new tenants and vetting applicants to managing an overflow of enquiries.
If you’re seeking guidance on welcoming new tenants and building a positive relationship from the start, we’ve got you covered there, too.
That said, here are two essential steps you absolutely shouldn’t overlook:
One important thing to remember, often overlooked by many landlords, is to provide the incoming tenants with a copy of the updated inventory.
Allow them a week to review and ensure its accuracy, encouraging them to make amendments (with photographic evidence) if anything appears incorrect or missing.
Afterwards, request their signature on the inventory to indicate their agreement with its accuracy. This will make it much easier to demonstrate any damage to the property or missing furnishings at the end of the tenancy – an essential step when claiming deposit deductions.
Contact info
Let tenants know of the best method to contact you throughout their tenancy, whether it’s via email, phone, or the increasingly popular option of a WhatsApp group.
Encourage them to report any repair issues promptly, stressing that this is to address problems quickly before they worsen, rather than out of fear of repercussions.
You should also provide tenants with an emergency contact for situations outside regular hours, such as a burst pipe at 10pm.
This may be your personal phone number, or alternatively, offer the details of a company that provides emergency services for such issues.
Many bigger companies offer same-day emergency services for critical problems like broken windows, insecure external doors, or severe leaks, among others.