Hosting open house viewings could be just what you need to find tenants quickly and get your property off the market even faster than usual.
In the competitive UK rental market, time is precious for landlords juggling busy schedules while trying to find great tenants quickly and efficiently.
What’s even better, hosting open house events for potential renters has become quite popular lately, and it’s a wonderfully time-saving option compared to individual viewings.
To make your life easier, we’ve crafted a strategic approach just for landlords like you who want to streamline the process and make the most of their open house events.
OpenRent landlords find great tenants in four days or less.
Why not give it a go?
Add Listing NowStep 1: Set clear goals in advance
It’s vital to outline your open house goals ahead of time. Are you hoping to attract a specific type of tenant, like students, young professionals, or families? Do you have specific lease terms in mind? Knowing your objectives helps you tailor your approach to meet your priorities.
Step 2: Timing matters
Choose a time for your open house event that works well for your ideal tenant crowd. For example, after-work hours and weekends usually work best to accommodate those who work during the day. Staying flexible with your schedule is the way to go in ensuring potential tenants feel welcome to drop by.
Step 3: Do a quick property prep
Why not put your attention on essential preparations that matter most to tenants? Ensure the property or room you’re showcasing is clean, fully functional, and ready for someone to move in right away.
If you’re renting a room in a shared living space, be sure to give your current tenants a heads-up so they can also get ready for the new addition.
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Step 4: Efficient presentation
Prepare a brief and engaging presentation that showcases the property’s standout features. For instance, if your property boasts a beautifully maintained garden, take the prospective tenants on a quick tour.
On top of that, make sure to highlight practical aspects that are likely to catch the eye of potential renters, like nearby amenities and transportation options.
Step 5: Quick Q&A session
Once you’ve finished showing folks around the property, why not have a short and sweet question-and-answer session?
This way, you can address common questions, or concerns, about the property and lease terms while getting a better grasp of what each potential renter is seeking.
Feel in control of your tenancies with our all-inclusive tenancy creation and management tool.
Find Out MoreStep 6: Follow-up plan
Last but not least, it’s always good to have a follow-up plan in place. Once the open house wraps up, send a friendly thank-you message to everyone who joined and encourage them to get in touch when they’ve made their decision.
You can also ask for feedback if you’d like – tenants’ insights can be super helpful for fine-tuning your rental approach. But remember, it’s entirely up to you whether you want to do that!
By following these six steps, you can now confidently navigate the competitive rental market, ensuring a smoother and more efficient tenant selection process.
Renting out a property isn’t just about making a quick sale; it’s about choosing someone to trust with one of your most valuable assets.
So, why not check out our comprehensive guide on what to ask prospective tenants during viewings?
It covers everything, from pre-viewing questions to scenarios tailored to more unique tenant situations, such as pet owners or students.
And hey, once you’ve found the perfect match for your property, you can take full control of your tenancy with OpenRent’s professional-grade tenancy creation service, Rent Now.